
The Movement

Beauty Myths


Beauty is a celebration of diversity, everyone owns his/her own beauty.

Beauty is a state of grace and it is only within where we will find our identity.

Beauty is self-confidence.

Beauty is standing in our own power and respecting ourselves, getting out of the daily grind of worrying how we look and how we dress.

Beauty comes from loving and accepting yourself, first.

Beauty is feeling at peace within.

Beauty is a celebration of our uniqueness. It is not found by comparisons.

Beauty is the discovery of our inner goddess and by accepting our own truth.

Beauty is in us, let’s own it to feel our very best.

There is no “standard” beauty, there are no set rules to define what is actually beautiful unless we choose to believe in the rules.

If you see one, you can break it, or shake it up! 

Create your own rules to feel beautiful.

What is real beauty?
What does it mean to you?
What makes us feel beautiful?
How much does our outer beauty influence our lives?
Is it a lifelong struggle to improve how we look?
How many of us feel like victims to a lie of an overhyped run on perfectionism that can leave us in a state of frustration?

It is time to review the beauty standards of our society. It is time to shatter them and to figure out who we really are.

Self knowledge is the key, enjoying and living in the moment.

We, all women, are allowed to expose ourselves to the experience of not being perfect. And we must all develop empathy with the I AM, and every other being.

“Pretty” is not the point.

It is time to feel our true essence. It is time to defy the standards of the beauty myths that have invaded our society. 

We must unveil the guise of female beauty and set ourselves free from the struggle of everlasting youthfulness.

This change is upon us. Let’s become enlightened and shine a new light on our values of beauty.

There is no such thing as “flawless beauty.” (Unless in Photoshop!)

Angelika Buettner