This is my coming out, of sorts. I’ve never been an introvert. I perform for a living, in fact. But I don’t think I ever felt completely free either. There’s always been some thought of what someone might think, or how something might look. So, when the opportunity to be a part of this project arose, I realized it was what I've always been looking for…one moment of complete and utter abandon. Alone in the light. Nothing to hide behind. Just me.
It isn't the coming out I had imagined in my 20's, though…every muscle tight, skin smooth & golden, dripping with the sensual glow of youth. Ha! I don't even know if it could have ever been that perfect. But that's how I imagined it. Very dramatic, with scented candles & jazz playing in the background. No. This is the real-life version. I have scars now. Literally & figuratively. Scars from lessons learned & battles fought. The breast cancer. …another battle fought & won, thank God. At first, I debated whether I wanted to show that part of me but quickly realized I had come this far. I had to finish what I started. How dare I punk out now. Because this is really bigger than me, isn't it? I thought about other survivors who may be afraid. Who would stand for them? I remembered that so many are still fighting. And I remembered how blessed I am to have fought & lived to tell the tale when many others were not so fortunate. So here I am. Proud of my battle scars. Unashamed. I earned these scars. I'm a warrior. I'm a survivor.
I keep saying that something about my last birthday magically made me feel like more of myself. But, if I am honest, it has been everyday & every experience that brought me to it. The joys, the pain, the battles & everything in between. So, after a lifetime on stages, this is my most important performance. My first appearance as just me. Scars & all. Happy, blessed, grateful, fierce, fabulous me! Totally free.