



I am living. Breathing. 
I am strong. 
I am blessed.
The recent challenges have been many, but I am a survivor.


I used to feel that living and being free-spirited would come to an end as I approached 50. Questioning what would life at 50 mean for Me? No more fun, no more stylish fashion, no to being sexy, or I couldn’t be silly, what? But the night before I turned 50 as the clock approached midnight, I became so invigorated and full of happiness and excitement. 

I said to myself “Damn I’m 50 and I’m so phucking happy to reach this age and still feel good!!!” I felt strong, empowered, deserving, beautiful, ready to not give a hoot and take on the world. I didn’t die. I just became a lil more seasoned and spicy!!!

It is so beautiful and exciting to honor and have a voice as a woman over 40+ as well as important. So much of what we see today the women are in their 20s and 30s. It’s as when you’re 40 or 50 and up that you’re supposed to disappear, sit back, be quiet, and be “age appropriate”. Whatever that means.

I am 54 years bold and young. I feel like I’m having a new or second birth of my life. I love being over 40 and over 50. I am beautiful. I am ageless. I defy the standard of age and beauty myth rebelliously.


Modern, mature, magnificent, marvelous, me
I am bold, I am here, I am present
I am more than enough
I am not irrelevant or to be defined by anyone
I am that who is naked and inspired to be ME
I am Dawn the CEO of Me

With sincere gratitude